Aspen Network Development Entrepreneurs I&P
Date: 01/10/2015
Theme: Vie d'I&P


From September 30 to October 2, the Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs (ANDE) helds its annual conference, targeted at senior-level executives of ANDE member organizations, including leading investors, capacity development providers, foundations, banks, corporations, DFIs and research institutions. Read more


Olivier Lafourcade, Chairman of the board of I&P Développement and Emilie Debled, PR and Business Development Director at I&P, participate to the conference this year.

On October 1st, O. Lafourcade intervene in the session: "Collaboration and Concessions: Driving Healthy Competition with Concessionary Capital without Distorting Markets", with Matt Guttentag (USAID), Daniel Hsu (Village Capital), and Annie Roberts (Open Capital Advisors).


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