Date: 11/04/2014
Theme: Vie d'I&P

Read Newsletter N°5 / April 2014



Edito : Joan Bardeletti, author of Les Grands Moyens                  "I am a photojournalist, and passionate about the African continent. I find a way to express myself and investigate through images; my shootings enable me to access unknown and arcane environments; for me, it is a way to get scientific samples: I am not looking for an exhaustive picture; I dig deep and try to crack the codes of some uncommon aspects of Africa. It can take some months, sometimes some years, and I always try to be guided by experts, sociologists or economists.

The partnership that I have with Investisseurs&Partenaires* is one of this kind. I&P and I want to explore the African continent through its entrepreneurs. While Africa is undergoing a fast-expanding development, and while a middle-class is now emerging, entrepreneurship is at the core of these evolutions.

Les Grands Moyens”is the name of the project. It refers to the size of the companies that we are targetting: small or medium sized companies which are locally founded or managed.

“Les Grands Moyens” underlines the energy, the perseverance and the creativity demonstrated by these entrepreneurs in their struggle to emerge, to grow, to recruit, to train and to produce.

Finally “Les Grands Moyens” stands for the stunning confidence of these entrepreneurs: sure, there is a long way to go and it is not the easy one; sure, they are ambitious; sure, the African market is booming and so many things still need to start from scratch; sure, we do not see them as small actors but as blossomed people who are about to be part of this global market.

Within this approach, and beyond this short depiction, we focus most of all on the impacts generated by these companies on their clients, their employees, the local population and many others. In a nutshell, the pictures, the films and the recordings we are getting will hopefully, show how these companies stand as driving forces for the continent’s development."

* and the AFD and Proparco and CFAO

Watch the slideshow of Joan Bardeletti's shooting in Mauritania

Watch the first movie about CDS

Les Grands Moyens _ Vimeo

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