Date: 15/07/2015
Theme: Vie d'I&P

Since 2011, I&P has committed to compensate for its carbon footprint. For the 2013-2014 period, I&P has chosen a project promoted by ECOSUR in Ivory Coast to offset its carbon emissions.

I&P carbon emissions represent 515 tons of CO2, 90% of them coming from plane travels. I&P offset these emissions with a project based in Abidjan and called "Soutra Fourneau". It consists in replacing traditional cook stoves with efficient and affordable cook stoves. The stoves result in charcoal saving up to 60%, which directly contribute to alleviate deforestation and reduce CO2 emissions. Beyond the environmental impact, there are several advantages: increase of purchasing power, minimize harmful smoke and reduce significantly the cooking time. Find out more.


I&P has also supported one of its investees, Voltacars Rental Services (VRs), in the implementation of a carbon offset strategy. Find out More