Source: Revue Secteur Privé & Développement


The blog "Private Sector & Development", coordinated by Proparco, has recently published a contribution of Jean-Michel Severino, President of Investisseurs & Partenaires. Entitled "Acting sustainably to promote African small businesses: the challenge facing mission investors", the article highlights the needs for private equity financing for African start-ups and small growing businesses. 

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"Africa is the new frontier for private equity, yet the region is having trouble channelling the corresponding financial flows to its woefully underfunded small businesses. The continent cannot adequately develop without an extensive web of sustainable SMEs – currently the missing link in Africa’s economy. The emergence of a locally-based private-equity model suited to the realities facing African SMEs is the only viable path to breakthrough innovation in how African economies are financed."




Through their day-to-day involvement in the economies of low-income countries, private-sector operators play an essential role in the development of emerging countries. The Private Sector & Development (PS&D) blog aims at emphasizing the solutions imagined and set-up by these operators to overcome the challenges of emerging markets. The blog offers the possibility of sharing additional insights and views on the topics addressed by the magazine. By posting the operational experiences of operators from the private sector, the blog PS&D aims at acting as a catalyst for the development of a sustainable private sector that will play a structuring role in low-income countries.