Country: Benin
Sector of activity: Construction
Status: Exit
Associed fund: IPDEV1
In portfolio since: 2017-2021


Normat is a Beninese company specializing in drilling-mining services and civil-use explosive distribution (mainly used in mines, quarries, and some construction sites).

Up to now, granite local quarry workers had to internalize drilling-mining activities because there was no specialized company. Normat is now a reference actor and has won several industrial Beninese actors' trust by offering services that respect international security rules concerning explosive shots (ISO9001/2015 law).
The company was created in 2017, following the split of this drilling-mining activity from the Bhélix company, which exploits various granite quarries in Benin and in which I&P invested in 2009.



The entrepreneur

Narcisse Zolla is a public works engineer and a former consultant in some Dutch cooperation. He has a Master's degree in Management from the Université de Bordeaux.
He also leads the company Bhélix.


Discover the interview of the promoteur of Bhélix and Normat (2019)


Partnership with I&P

I&P is commited to Normat:

 In formalizing this new company;

In advising Normat to find the right resources and an efficient organization in operations management.


Main impacts

The emergence of the specialized job of drilling-mining in Benin

ISO9001/2015 norm accreditation