Country: Burkina Faso
Sector of activity: Industry
Status: Seed funding
Associed fund: I&P Accélération au Sahel, Sinergi Burkina
Entrepreneur: Jacob et et Claudia Ouedraogo
In portfolio since: 2022

Zoé Industry is a company specialized in the transformation of local plant leaves, mainly moringa oleifera, into infusion tea in Burkina Faso. 4 flavors of tea mixed with moringa are currently on sale: moringa-hibiscus (bissap), moringa-kinkeliba, moringa-ginger and moringa-citronella.

The entrepreneurs

Zoe Industry was founded by Jacob and and Claudia Ouedraogo in 2016. 

Partnership with I&P and Sinergi Burkina

Zoé Industry is supported by Sinergi Burkina through the I&P Acceleration in Sahel.

The support provided to the company will allow it to :

  • Strengthen its production capacity
  • Improve the quality of its tea
  • Improve its reputation
  • Strengthen its structuring

About Sinergi Burkina

Created in 2014, Sinergi Burkina is the first impact investment fund dedicated to financing and supporting SMEs and start-ups in Burkina Faso. Headed by Job Zongo, Sinergi Burkina is the second investment fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of the I&P Développement 2 fund. The fund network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital), Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap).  → To learn more about Sinergi Burkina​