Magoe Technologie

Magoé Technologie is a Guinean company specializing in educational technologies.
Its educational platform, Magoé Education, is currently available in two versions: Android (downloadable via Play Store) and web (accessible via It comprises two distinct solutions, each targeting a specific customer segment:
- Magoé Mon école : This is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution designed for schools, universities and institutes. This solution is designed to simplify and secure the management of these establishments, quickly and efficiently.
- Magoé Révision : This e-learning solution is designed for primary, secondary and high school students. It enables students to revise and practice all subjects, wherever they are, even without an Internet connection. It enables parents to track the revision progress of their registered children.
The entrepreneur
Magoé Technologie was founded by Mazoughou GOPEOGUI, a Guinean entrepreneur with some 16 years' experience in education and educational technology (EDTECH). He holds a bachelor's degree in physics and a master's degree in electronics, focusing on energy and environmental systems, from the Gamal Abdel Nasser University of Conakry (UGANC).
Partnership with I&P and MBM Capital
Magoé Technologie is supported by I&P and MBM Capital through I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program. The main objectives of this partnership are :
- Improve the design and user-friendliness of the website and applications
- Produce additional video content
- Improve sales and marketing activities
- Strengthen the management system
- Reorientation of the business model
Expected impacts
- Creation of over 300 new videos
- Recruitment of 6 permanent employees and dozens of temporary staff
- Anticipated sales growth of 77% in 2024 (compared with 2023) and 30% in 2025 (compared with 2024)