Laiterie Maminiaina

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Serge Randriamahefasoa
Country: Madagascar
A propos:

Laiterie Maminiaina, based in Antsirabe since its creation in 2009, is run by Serge Randriamahefasoa, a Malagasy entrepreneur with strong roots in the dairy triangle, his native region.

Number 1 for cheese in Madagascar, Laiterie Maminiaina currently works with 750 breeders, employs around 50 people in its factory, and distributes its products through a network of 8 sales outlets in the capital and Antsirabe.

The entrepreneur's ambition is to raise his profile in the dairy products market and join forces with an international player in dairy or agri-food processing.


Partnership with Miarakap

The company is financed by Miarakap, I&P's partner in Madagascar.

The funds raised will enable the company to double its supply capacity, with the number of partner farmers rising to 3,000 (i.e. +15,000 people affected) by 2027. 

The partnership with Miarakap will also enable the dairy to acquire new machinery and set up infrastructure in line with international standards. Laiterie Maminiaina will be able to diversify its products to meet consumer demand.

Miarakap positions itself as the entrepreneur's strategic partner, not only in the field of finance, but also in other important aspects of the business (marketing, human resources, production, etc.), and provides the entrepreneur with a useful external vision to help him make the best decisions.


Visit Miarakap's website to read more


In portfolio since: 2023


Sector of activity: Culture, Service
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Andy et Seheno Rasoanarivo
Employees: 38
Country: Madagascar
A propos:

OKALOU, a company specializing in events and entertainment, was founded by a Malagasy couple, Andy and Seheno Rasoanarivo in 2012. 

The company employs 38 staff and works part-time with over 150 people. 

OKALOU manages children's playgrounds in shopping centers, and also operates the Antanimena Skate Park in Antananarivo. 

In the space of 10 years, the company has established its reputation in the sector by organizing major innovative and entertaining annual events (LOKORACE, MAZAVAL'RUN), and by creating and developing its own playgrounds.


Partnership with Miarakap

The company is financed by Miarakap, I&P's partner in Madagascar.

Miarakap's investment will enable OKALOU to launch its project to create a multi-purpose venue, capable of hosting corporate and private events; to create a sales, marketing and communications division; to set up new services within the Antanimena Skate Park, but above all to structure and formalize the company.


Visit Miarakap's website to read more

In portfolio since: 2023

Miarakap celebrates 5 years of activity in Madagascar and closes a second round of financing of 6M USD


2023 marks the 5th year of Miarakap's activity in Madagascar. Created in 2018 by Emmanuel Cotsoyannis with the support of fifteen investors including Société Générale Madagascar, Axian, BNI Madagascar, Adefi and Investisseurs et Partenaires (I&P), Miarakap has taken up the challenge of financing a new generation of ambitious and responsible entrepreneurs with high growth potential and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) impact.


I&P reveals the annual ESG & impact report of IPDEV 2 fund

Each year, Investisseurs & Partenaires monitors and publishes a report of the environmental, social and governance impact of its different lines of business. Launched in 2002, I&P Développement line (IPDEV 1, IPDEV 2) aims at create, develop and sponsor a dozen impact funds and support 500 SMEs in several sub-Saharan African countries.


Stephaina Beauty

Sector of activity: Service
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: Miarakap
Entrepreneur: Marie Stephanie Aina Raharijaona
Employees: 86
Country: Madagascar
A propos:


Created in 2009 by Marie Stephanie Aina Raharijaona, Stephaina Beauty is a chain of beauty parlors that offers a very complete range of cosmetic treatments, with a focus on nail care.

In 2021, more than 28,000 visits to the 4 Stephaina beauty parlors were recorded. A fifth salon should open in 2022 in the city of Majunga.


The entrepreneur

Stephaina was created by Stéphanie Raharijaona, who grew up in Antananarivo and followed a specialized training in nail prosthesis in Paris in parallel with her studies in interior design.

She opened her first salon in 2009, and had the capacity to finance herself already shortly after its opening. Stéphanie Raharijaona returned to France in 2015 to work as an executive assistant at UNESCO while managing her salon remotely.

She decided to return to Madagascar in July 2019, to both deploy the Stephaina salon brand and maximize its social impact through the professional training of young people: a mission that is at the heart of her vision and Stephaina's development model.


Partnership with Miarakap

Miarakap is committed to working with Stephaina to support them in:

The organizational structuring of the company
The development of the notoriety
The opening of 2 new salons per year
The launch of a range of Stephaina Beauty brand products marketed in the main salons


Expected impacts

Stephaina's main impact is on the social aspect via the creation of formal jobs, largely for young people who have left the school system or are marginalized. Thanks to a mentoring system within the salons, these young people without diplomas have the opportunity to be trained in the beauty industry and to be integrated into the workforce. With 10 salons open by 2026, Stephaina could create and/or maintain 230 jobs.


About Miarakap

Miarakap is the first impact investment company dedicated to financing and supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and high-potential start-ups in Madagascar.

Miarakap takes minority stakes in the capital of companies with high growth potential, for unit amounts ranging from 100 million to 1 billion Ariary, and provides strategic, managerial and technical support to its investments. As a player in impact investing, Miarakap's mission is to maximize its economic, social and environmental impact through its investments and to contribute to Madagascar's development.

Learn more abour Miarakap


In portfolio since: 2022
Antananarivo & Toamasina

Miarakap and USAID Madagascar launch MITSIRY: a program that aims to support and finance Malagasy companies and start-ups with high social and environmental impact


Understanding the need to combine economic considerations with biodiversity conservation, USAID, MIARAKAP and the private sector are partnering to develop integrated sustainable development activities that preserve biodiversity-rich landscapes, improve the quality of life of local communities, and stimulate economic growth and job creation.



Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Associed fund: Miarakap
Entrepreneur: Houssen MEBOBALY
Country: Madagascar
A propos:

Malakass is a young company whose mission is to contribute to the development of the cassava farming industry in the Atsimo-Andrefana region of Madagascar, thanks to the installation of a standard factory, allowing the transformation of cassava into high quality, bio and fair trade certified flour. The product is intended for both the local and international markets, in particular the major European importers, who are in demand for this high value-added product, which is gluten-free and used in both bakery and pastry-making.Malakass is a young company whose mission is to contribute to the development of the cassava farming industry in the Atsimo-Andrefana region of Madagascar, thanks to the installation of a standard factory, allowing the transformation of cassava into high quality, bio and fair trade certified flour.

The product is intended for both the local and international markets, in particular the major European importers, who are in demand for this high value-added product, which is gluten-free and used in both bakery and pastry-making.


The entrepreneur

Malakass is led by Houssen MEBOBALY, a graduate of INSEEC after a dozen years of study in France. After starting his career at BNP Paribas, he returned to Madagascar in 2019 to start his own business.

Struck by the under-valued potential of the cassava industry in his native region, while cassava flour consumption is rapidly increasing in Europe, he decided to add value by transforming it into high quality flour.


Partnership with I&P

I&P committed alongside with Malakass to:

  • Fund the acquisition of the production line and the supply vans
  • Fund the construction of the plant
  • Fund the working capital requirements and ensure a minimum cash flow for the company during its first two years
  • Support the company in structuring the supply through the research of subsidies, the implementation of certifications, training and support for producers ...
  • Provide strategic and operational support




  • Creation of direct and indirect jobs
  • Securing and diversification of outlets for the farming communities
  • Accompaniment, training and skills development for local farming communities and Malakass employees
  • Improvement of income and living conditions of more than 200 producers
  • Development and structuring of an eco-responsible agro-industrial sector (certifications, biomass, solar energy, etc.)
  • Promotion of sustainable cultivation practices
  • Contribution to national food self-sufficiency



Read More : Press release


In portfolio since: 2021
