A year after the seminar on CSR issue: a review of the actions undertaken


One year after the training seminar on CSR (Corporate Social Responsabilities) issues, the entrepreneurs and the training team assess the action plans undertaken over the last months. It appears that many of the companies implement policies to improve the well-being of their employees, and made particular efforts to provide better health insurance mechanisms.


A crowdfunding campaign to support 6000 smallholder farmers in Madagascar

After a first successful campaign for the Mauritanian company CDS, I&P partners again with the American crowdfunding platform Kiva. The new projets aims to support the activities of Phileol, a Malagasy company specialized in the collect and transformation of ricin seeds. The loan of 50 000$ will contribute to fund the harvest of seeds of 6,000 smallholder farmers in the south of Madagascar.


Enko extends its network with the opening of a new school in Douala


Enko Education, supported by the fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs since august 2016, opened a new school in Cameroon, pursuing its objective to build a large network of private high-schools in Sub-Saharan Africa. Enko develops a 3-year high school program, awarding the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma, widely acknowledged by international universities.



New impact Study released: Siatol in Burkina Faso


I&P conducts once a year an in-depth impact study on one of the companies in portfolio so as to analyse its economic and social impacts. The study, conducted in partnership with the FERDI and (Im)Prove, focuses this year on Siatol, a company based in Burkina Faso and specialized in the production of soya oil. Founded in 2010 by Marcel Ouédraogo and supported by Sinergi Burkina since 2015, Siatol works with a network of more than 3,000 smallholder farmers.


Khady Nakoulima (NEST) among the winners of the Young African Leaders Initiative 2016


Khadidiatou Nakoulima, founder and director of the clinic NEST in Dakar, participated to the Young African Leader Initiative (YALI) competition, initiated by Barack Obama and organized by the United States African Development Foundation (USADF), as part of the Mandela Fellowship Program. The program works closely with the USAID.

Khady is one of the 50 winners of the competition, and will benefit from a grant of 25,000 dollars as well as technical support from the USADF.


Portrait: Sokhna DIAGNE & Jules Kébé, Duopharm


I&P publishes each quarter the portrait of one of its partners.This month we focus on Sokhna Ndiaye and Jules Kébé, chairman and CEO of Duopharm in Senegal. 

Duopharm distributes pharmeceutical products (more than 4,500 references to date) throughout the country. The company was created in 2003 under the initiative of Dr. Jules Kébé and a group of Senegalese pharmacists and has achieved a breakthrough in the Senegalese pharmaceutical landscape thanks to its proximity marketing strategy.

