New Crystal has set itself the goal of serving more income groups


The private health care group New Crystal Health Services (NCHS), which is dedicated to the urban poor, has set itself the goal of serving more income groups.

They plan to use the recently acquired capital, following I&P and IFC investments, to expand and acquire state-of-the-art equipment to provide additional essential services such as intensive care, pediatric care and complex surgical services, as well as to treat lifestyle-related illnesses.


An article relates the story of Ghanaian company Eden Tree


The online magazine "How we made it in Africa" publishes an interview of Catherine Krobo Edusei, CEO and founder of Eden Tree. The company, supported by IPAE 1 since 2015, has become the leading independent provider of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs in Ghana. The article relates the story of the company, from its early beginings to the new strategies developed with the Covid-19 crisis.


Enko Education opens a new primary school in Burkina Faso


The African international network Enko Education announced today the launch of a new primary school in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. In order to meet the growing demand from parents, this school will be the primary section of the international school Enko Ouaga Campus.


Entrepreneur's Portrait: Mieja Vola Rakotonarivo


We met with Mieja Vola Rakotonarivo, Managing Director of the Malagasy company Nutri'zaza.

Mieja is featured in the book Bâtisseurs d'Afrique, recently published by Eyrolles, which relates the journeys of eleven determined entrepreneurs accompanied by I&P.




COVID-19 : Enko Education is implementing distance learning in all its schools


In March 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the whole world, all the Enko Education schools have closed their doors, for a period still uncertain.To cope with the closure of its 15 international African schools and ensure continuity in education, Enko Education has implemented, in a few days, distance learning for all its students.


Covid-19: AMI launches a "Business survival bootcamp"


With the aim of equipping businesses with practical tools to face challenges brought by COVID-19, African Management Institute (AMI) will be conducting a free 'COVID -19 Business Survival Bootcamp'.

This short learning programme,  designed specifically for business owners and entrepreneurs. will focus on financial forecasting and cost management in an economic slowdown.


3 questions to... Frédéric Wybo, Director of Ultramaille


Based in Madagascar for nearly 30 years, Frédéric Wybo is the founder and current CEO of Ultramaille, a Malagasy company specialized in mid- and high-end fashion knit wear.

Ultramaille has been supported by I&P since 2016, through its fund I&P Afrique Entrepreneurs 1. The team is notably committed to the development of new product ranges and the reinforcement of Ultramaille's CSR policy (employee health, training, retirement, etc.).


VATEL launches its new master's degree in Ecotourism Management


Vatel Madagascar launches its new master's degree in Ecotourism Management


Vatel Madagascar is currently the only hotel school in Madagascar that offers a Master's degree in ecotourism. The Ecotourism Master's degree is structured around 5 poles:

- marketing to train future executives to promote ecotourism destinations,


8th edition of I&P Entrepreneurs' Training Seminar


About 60 entrepreneurs gathered in France from October 9 to 11 to attend the 8th edition of the Annual Training Seminar co-organized by I&P and the African Club of Entrepreneurs. Operating in 12 Sub-Saharan African countries, from Mauritania to Madagascar, the entrepreneurs were gathered for three days around the topic " Managing Change in the Company".

