Crémière du Sahel

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Maimouna ZEINE
Country: Niger
A propos:

Created in 2017, La Crémière du Sahel is a cheese dairy specialising in the processing of cow's milk. 


Maimouna ZEINE founded La Crémière du Sahel. Holder of a Master 2 in management from the Mercure University of Brussels (Belgium), she received training in project engineering and the multi-actor partnership of CIEDEL in Lyon (France). She worked in several NGOs (OXFAM, PAM and IRD) before being trained by women transformers of Toukounous (Filingué) in 2017. 


SINERGI S.A. is a private investment company created in 2006 and supported by I&P with a group of key individual and institutional shareholders in the Nigerien and international SME support landscape. Headed by Ibrahima Djibo, its objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of Niger through the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of SMEs. SINERGI S.A. provides the means for entrepreneurs in Niger to achieve their growth projects by providing long-term financing and local support.  → Find out more about Sinergi Niger 



Investisseurs & Partenaires and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched in 2016 an innovative acceleration program for start-ups in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The partnership is designed to support high-potential start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises in order to facilitate their access to financing in a region where the ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship is still poorly developed. Click here to find out more

In portfolio since: 2019

Ferme Semencière Ainoma

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Aichatou Nasser
Country: Niger
A propos:

Created in 2006, the Ainoma Seed Farm is specialized in the production of improved seeds for the south-western region of Niger. The production site is located in the village of Fatabaga in the commune of Tamou, Say Department in the region of Tillabéry.


The farm has been managed by Mrs. Aichatou Nasser since 2014, who studied in the United States and holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management.  Her first mission in the company was to take charge of the management and implementation of a program aimed at increasing seed production capacity. 


SINERGI S.A. is a private investment company created in 2006 and supported by I&P with a group of key individual and institutional shareholders in the Nigerien and international SME support landscape. Headed by Ibrahima Djibo, its objective is to contribute to the economic and social development of Niger through the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of SMEs. SINERGI S.A. provides the means for entrepreneurs in Niger to achieve their growth projects by providing long-term financing and local support.  → Find out more about Sinergi Niger 


Investisseurs & Partenaires and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched in 2016 an innovative acceleration program for young companies located in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The partnership will support high-potential start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises to facilitate their access to financing in a region where the ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship is still underdeveloped.  Click here to find out more


In portfolio since: 2019

Institut Supérieur de Technologies

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Mr. Issa Compaore
Country: Burkina Faso
A propos:


Created in the 2000s on the initiative of Mr Compaoré, the Institut Supérieur de Technologies (IST) is a private secular technical and vocational higher education institution. With more than 2,000 students spread over its 24 training courses, including 11 in management sciences, the institution currently has six sites, including three franchises.

IST prepares its students for BTS, Bachelor's and Master's degrees. It currently delivers 32 diplomas including 23 recognized by CAMES, thus placing the institution in 3rd place among the institutions with the highest number of recognized diplomas.



Company manager with more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and consultant, Issa Compaoré was trained as a State Engineer in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in Production Engineering at the Mohammedia School of Engineering (EMI in Rabat).

In 1995, back in Burkina Faso, he started teaching. He was then professor of physics, management and corporate culture at the National School of Telecommunications between 1997 and 2000. Parallel to his teaching duties, he also provides consulting services through his company called DEMAIN SARL (Développement et Management Industrie), created in January 1997. 

In 2000, driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit, he decided to create IST (Institut Supérieur des Technologies).



The objectives of partnerships include :

  • The establishment of a reliable accounting information system
  • Consolidation of contracts with franchises
  • Trademark protection


The Institut Supérieur de Technologies also benefits from financial support and technical assistance within the framework of the I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program, in partnership with the European Union. To cope with the unprecedented situation of covid-19, some fifteen companies benefit from technical and financial support to maintain their activities and overcome the crisis.



Consolidation of more than 150 full and part-time jobs

Reflection on a scholarship program for students in difficult circumstances

Establishing good governance 



Created in 2014, Sinergi Burkina is the first impact investment fund dedicated to financing and supporting SMEs and start-ups in Burkina Faso. Headed by Job Zongo, Sinergi Burkina is the second investment fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of the I&P Développement 2 fund. The fund network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital), Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap). → Sinergi Burkina website

In portfolio since: 2019

Institut de Management, de Gestion et d’Hôtellerie

Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Mme Augustine Bro
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

The Institut de Management, de Gestion et d'Hôtellerie (IMGH) is a private technical and professional training structure specializing in the hotel industry created in 2009 by Mrs. Augustine Bro. The institution aims to improve and diversify its training offers by developing online access to continuing education.


After several experiences as SVT teacher in Abidjan, Mrs. Augustine BRO is appointed director of studies in a hotel school where she noticed the lack of students in the profession of cooking and pastry in the city of Abidjan due to the lack of specialized institutions in the sector. She therefore decided to create with a few associates the Institute of Culinary Arts and Hospitality (IACH) in 1999 which became in 2008 the Institute of Management and Hotel Management (IMGH).



Find an interview with Augustine Bro (October 2019) :


The Institut de Management, de Gestion et d'Hôtellerie is supported through the Education Impact Fund (EIF), managed by Comoé Capital. This impact fund dedicated to education in Côte d'Ivoire is sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) and the Jacobs Foundation. It provides financial and managerial support to Ivorian SMEs and start-ups with the aim of improving the quality and/or access to education in the country.

The Institut de Management, de Gestion et d'Hôtellerie also benefits from financial support and technical assistance within the framework of the I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program, in partnership with the European Union. To cope with the unprecedented situation of covid-19, some fifteen companies benefit from technical and financial support to maintain their activities and overcome the crisis.




 Comoé Capital is the first impact investment fund dedicated to the financing and support of Ivorian SMEs and start-ups. Headed by Issa Sidibé, Comoé Capital is the fifth African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of the I&P Développement 2 fund. The fund network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap). → More information about Comoé Capital


In portfolio since: 2019

Rose Eclat

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Mme Rosemonde Touré
Country: Burkina Faso
A propos:

A family business created in 1999 at the initiative of Mrs TOURÉ, Rose Eclat is a company that operates in the agricultural field, more specifically in the processing of fruit and vegetables. Today, the company puts on the national and international market processed and/or dried fruits and vegetables certified BIO and HACCP such as mango (flagship product), banana, okra, strawberry, or onion. 

Rose Eclat works in partnership with more than 500 small producers, which she supports technically, organizationally and financially.


Rosemonde Rita Evelyne TOURÉ has a postgraduate degree in law (DEA) and more than 20 years of experience in mango drying. She relies on her experience and a young and dynamic team to manage the company.



Her commitment and dynamism have earned her many distinctions such as :

  • Knight of the Order of Merit of Commerce and Industry
  • Green Africa" Quality Award, 2010
  • UEMOA Quality Award 2017 awarded by ABNORMES
  • Award of Excellence for the Best Exporter of the Year 2017



Rose Eclat is the first company run by a woman in the SINERGI BURKINA portfolio. The objectives of the partnerships are among others :

  • The structuring and establishment of a management body
  • Increasing annual production capacity 
  • Customer and product diversification 
  • Obtaining the British Retail Consortium (BRC) certificate


Rose Eclat also benefits from financial support and technical assistance within the framework of the I&P Acceleration in Sahel program, in partnership with the European Union. To cope with the unprecedented situation of covid-19, some fifteen companies benefit from technical and financial support to maintain their activities and overcome the crisis.



  • Formalizing and securing jobs
  • Establishing good governance
  • Payment of taxes and social contributions



Created in 2014, Sinergi Burkina is the first impact investment fund dedicated to financing and supporting SMEs and start-ups in Burkina Faso. Headed by Job Zongo, Sinergi Burkina is the second investment fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires as part of the I&P Développement 2 fund. The fund network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Côte d'Ivoire (Comoé Capital), Senegal (Teranga Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap).  → To learn more about Sinergi Burkina


In portfolio since: 2019


Sector of activity: Service
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Boussoura TALLA GUEYE et Julie REPETTI
Country: Senegal
A propos:

SetTIC is a senegalese company specialized in the treatment of corporate waste (waste electrical and electronic equipment, waste characterization audit and recycling of special waste). It was created in 2013 and is managed by two women engineers specialized in information and communication technologies and the environment.



Julie REPETTI is an engineer graduated from the Ecole des Mines de Douai and is specialized in environment, industry and strategic management with more than six years of professional experience. She started her career as an environmental safety engineer at EDF, then held project management positions at Alcatel Lucent and Nokia.

Boussoura TALLA GUEYE is an engineer graduated from INSA Toulouse and is specialized in information and communication technologies, with more than ten years of professional experience.



SetTic benefits from the USAID and I&P Acceleration in the Sahel programs with a funding of €54,000 (35.5 million FCFA), the objectives of which are :

  • To support the company in setting up a service offer, meeting international standards, to companies in West Africa.
  • To support the company in strategic thinking to meet the challenges of commercial development, positioning and visibility.
  • To support the company in the implementation of a more efficient management system including the management of financial and operational data, treasury and human resources.



  • Recycling of waste from all types of businesses
  • Creation and formalization of stable jobs
  • Payment of local taxes and duties



Teranga Capital is the first impact investment fund dedicated to the financing and support of Senegalese SMEs and start-ups.

Headed by Olivier Furdelle, Teranga Capital is the third African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires under the I&P Développement 2 program. The network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), Ivory Coast (Comoé Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap). → Find out more about Teranga Capital


Investisseurs & Partenaires and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) started in 2016 an innovative acceleration program for start-ups located in Niger, Burkina Faso and Senegal. The partnership will support high-potential start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises to facilitate their access to financing in a region where the ecosystem supporting entrepreneurship is still underdeveloped. →Click here to find out more

In portfolio since: 2020

Le Lionceau

Sector of activity: Agro-food
Status: Financement d'amorçage
Entrepreneur: Siny SAMBA et Rémi FILASTO
Country: Senegal
A propos:

Le Lionceau is a small senegalese company specialized in the production and marketing of smooth purée for children from 6 months to 36 months. The products are of high nutritional quality and made from locally produced fruits, vegetables, cereals and ingredients. 


The company was created by two agricultural engineers graduated from Montpellier Sup Agro who are : 

Mrs Siny SAMBA, Engineer graduated from Montpellier Sup Agro, with a specialization in infant nutrition and significant experience in a large multinational company specialized in infant food.

Mr. Rémi FILASTO', Engineer graduated from Montpellier Sup Agro, with a specialization in financing of agro/agri companies in France.


Le Lionceau benefits from the I&P Acceleration in Sahel program with a funding of 30 million CFA francs (€45,000) whose objectives are to :

  • Accompany the company in strategic thinking to meet the challenges of marketing, brand development, supply and positioning.
  • Support the company in the implementation of a management system including the management of financial and operational data, inventory, treasury and human resources.


  • The creation and formalization of stable jobs 
  • The valorization of local raw materials 
  • The fight against child malnutrition 
  • Fiscal and social formalization

About Teranga Capital

Teranga Capital is the first impact investment fund dedicated to the financing and support of Senegalese SMEs and start-ups. Headed by Olivier Furdelle, Teranga Capital is the third African fund sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires under the I&P Développement 2 program. The network currently includes a fund in Niger (Sinergi Niger), Burkina Faso (Sinergi Burkina), Ivory Coast (Comoé Capital) and Madagascar (Miarakap). → Find out more about Teranga Capital

In portfolio since: 2020

Rama Cereal

Sector of activity: Agro-Industry
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Aramatou COULIBALY
Employees: 25
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:

RAMA CEREAL is an agro-industrial company created in 2005. Its main activity is the processing of cereals such as millet, maize and rice. It is present on the local (Prosuma, Carrefour, Citydia, etc.) and international markets through various products and spices: millet granules, corn, rice, pre-cooked millet, attiéké (manioc semolina), ginger, gnangan, soumara, baobab. The company started its activities in the informal sector before becoming a sole proprietorship in 2005 and then a limited liability company in 2016.



Aramatou Coulibaly holds a BTS in International Trade and a Bachelor's degree in English. She has worked as a consultant and sales assistant in companies such as Mobil Oil and Kompass-ci, and then as an interim employee at Orange. Noting the need for millet products, she decided to set up her own agro-industrial company in 2005. In 2012, she obtained support within the framework of the Trade and Regional Integration Support Programme (PACIR) financed by the European Union.



• Strengthening governance and setting up a strategic committee

• Support for commercial development and the launch of infant flour

• Development of the new site, which must comply with all relevant health standards

• Acquisition of equipment to increase to 2 tons/day (vs. 400 kg today)

• Financing the purchase of raw materials to cover needs over 3 months

• Acquisition of rolling stock for distribution


RAMA CEREAL also benefits from financial support and technical assistance within the framework of the I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program, in partnership with the European Union. To cope with the unprecedented situation of covid-19, some fifteen companies benefit from technical and financial support to maintain their activities and overcome the crisis.



• Impact on small producers through supervision and an increase in their productivity, and therefore their income

• Impact on nutrition with the launch of infant flour

In portfolio since: 2018


Sector of activity: Education & Training
Status: Investissement en capital
Entrepreneur: Lamine Barro
Employees: 5
Country: Ivory Coast
A propos:


Etudesk is a start-up offering online professional training through its interactive platform. The courses offered are strictly professional in nature and cover a wide range of learning areas: Business, IT, Economics, Civil Engineering, Science, etc. Etudesk defines itself as the “university of companies” and aims to reduce the gap between academic training and the skills required by companies.


The platform is available via PC, tablet and smartphone and without internet connection on mobile applications. It offers:

  • Short-term training modules (about 2 to 10 hours) covering a specific field and aimed at students and professionals wishing to acquire or deepen specific skills. Each module includes a course structured in several sections with evaluation quizzes and practical activities
  • Learning programs that are composed of a set of modules. The pathways provide access to a mentor and a final evaluation. A certificate, sponsored by a company, is issued at the end of the program in order to enhance the professional profile of the student if the program is successfully completed


The project has a strong economic and social impact: Etudesk aims to support active people in their career development but also to facilitate the professional integration of students and job seekers in a country with a young population and a high unemployment rate. Etudesk offers high-quality teaching programs (experienced instructors and content reviewed by several professionals) at an affordable price.




Lamine BARRO is a young Ivorian entrepreneur, who was only 22 years old when he founded Etudesk in 2016.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of Korhogo (2014) and a Certificate of Entrepreneurship from the Founder Institute (2016). Before creating Etudesk, he was a Microsoft Student Partner for several years and has several years of experience as an IT specialist in various firms.



• Formalization and compliance with accounting standards

• Strategic support to adapt the business plan to the Ivorian context and its competitive environment

• Support for strengthening the offer (creation of new training courses)

• Support the commercial deployment of the company


Etudesk is supported through the Education Impact Fund (EIF), managed by Comoé Capital. This impact fund dedicated to education in Côte d'Ivoire is sponsored by Investisseurs & Partenaires (I&P) and the Jacobs Foundation. It provides financial and managerial support to Ivorian SMEs and start-ups with the aim of improving the quality and/or access to education in the country.

Etudesk also benefits from financial support and technical assistance within the framework of the I&P Acceleration in the Sahel program, in partnership with the European Union. To cope with the unprecedented situation of covid-19, some fifteen companies benefit from technical and financial support to maintain their activities and overcome the crisis.


• Access to education for a broad target population

• Facilitates the professional integration of students and job seekers



Etudesk won Seedstars Abidjan Competition in 2016. Read more →

In 2017 Etudesk was one of the five winning companies of the Digital Africa competition, among the 770 French and African startups participating whose projects put digital innovation at the service of sustainable development. As a finalist, Etudesk benefited from an "acceleration pack", composed of technical and financial support provided by the French Development Agency. Read more →



In portfolio since: 2018
